Saturday, August 14, 2010

Olde English HG800 High Gravity Malt Liquor

What can help you forget the pains of four long days spent with your dysfunctional family? Look no further than a tall boy of Olde English HG800. At a potent 8.0% ABV and just $2.19 with tax, you can forget about the trauma of sharing genes with those people. HG800 is surprisingly soft on the palate for high gravity malt liquor. The high pre-fermentation sugar content is fairly well-masked. Sure, the characteristic sweet rotten-apple taste of high gravity is present here, but it actually helps to conceal the bitter, somewhat metallic Olde English signature that has always made me reach for a 40 of Country Club instead. Hats off, bottoms up, and let's dream of drinking microbrews without relatives around.

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