Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Aventinus Wheat Doppelbock

Apparently, Aventinus brews this wheat doppelbock "according to the Reinheitsgebot." For those of you who are not aware (myself included), "Reinheitsgebot" translates roughly to "Bavarian Purity Law" and was historically used to restrict the German beer-making ingredients to hops, barley, and water. I did not know this fact at the time I purchased the Aventinus Wheat Doppelbock, but the large, foreign word impressed me enough to buy the 16.9 ounce bottle for $4.19.

The bottle claims that the beer has "received accolades for the perfect balance of fruity spiciness (banana, clove, vanilla) and notes of chocolate." Clove is definitely the most predominate taste, but an easily perceptible chocolate-Twizzler flavor accompanies the spice. As the beer warms and the effects of the 8.2% ABV manifest themselves on an empty stomach, the doppelbock begins to taste more and more like the scented candle aisle at Michael's or JoAnn's Fabric. Not such a good, or pure, way to end, but it was enjoyable until the last four ounces or so.

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