Friday, December 31, 2010

Firestone Walker Velvet Merlin Oatmeal Stout

Like Anderson Valley Brewing, Firestone Walker is a fairly small California microbrewery with limited regional distribution. New this year to the Firestone repertoire is their oatmeal stout, Velvet Merlin. According to the packaging, "Velvet Merlin is also partially blended with Merlin that has been aged in bourbon barrels for a year. The aging adds even more complexity to this very rich beer. The use of US grown Fuggles gives the perfect hop flavor to this exceptionally well-balanced beer."

Let me begin by saying that Velvet Merlin is, obviously, a much more appropriate winter beer than Anderson Valley's High Rollers. This oatmeal stout is thick and creamy like any good stout should be. The usual roast grain, coffee, and chocolate flavors are present, but there is a strange, harsh taste that overwhelms the finish. Though Velvet Merlin is only 5.5% alcohol by volume, the harshness seems reminiscent of high proof liquor. Could this be the complexity added by the mixing of bourbon barrel-aged beer into the blend? Despite the harsh finish, Velvet Merlin is a nice addition to the Firestone Walker collection and reasonably priced at $7.99 for a six-pack.

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