Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bison Brewing Organic Chocolate Stout

As a general rule, I try to avoid organic beer. It has nothing to do with any objection to the agricultural practices behind the organic label; I'm employed by an organic farm. It has to do with the fact that all of the organic beers that I had tried seemed to rely solely on consumers' demand for an organic spirit to accompany their locally grown rutabaga/kohlrabi/beet salad with unpasteurized free range goat cheese. That is to say: they didn't taste very good despite being made with "premium" ingredients that inflated their cost to an obscene level.

In his stubborn insistence to find a beer at the store that I had never tried, AldeBeer managed to shatter my aforementioned organic beer rule. Bison Brewing's Organic Chocolate Stout is, simply stated, delicious. It's thick, creamy, sweet, and even manages to avoid bashing you over the head with chocolate and coffee flavors while allowing their subtly bitter influence to linger on the palate. I didn't buy the 6-pack, but I think it was about $9 for the 5.0% ABV stout. Thanks, AldeBeer, for challenging my beer biases and for kicking my ass at both racket and basketball.

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