Saturday, August 7, 2010

Good Juju...more like Bad Juju

Left Hand Brewing Company's Good Juju.

After a long day of packing and moving, there was nothing I was looking more forward to than a cold beer. I picked the beer solely based on its name, as I often do, and unsurprisingly, like I often am when I make foolish choices, I was disappointed. You figure with a name like Good Juju you can't go wrong, but let me be the first to tell you that you can.

My first taste reminded me of drinking the cup with the quarter in it during a game of chandeliers. There was a metallic flavor to the beer, which I've later learned was supposed to be ginger. The taste was not consistent as I drank the entire beer. I kept tasting hints of other spices, but the metal taste was so overwhelming that it was really impossible to discern the different flavors. Rather than leaving you with a feeling of good juju, the beer left you with a metallic taste in your mouth and an overall feeling of bad juju at having wasted 6 dollars on a pint of metal. On the whole the beer was incredibly disappointing, and as my better half indicated, we won't be drinking that again.

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