Thursday, August 5, 2010

Instantaneous Incredulity

No doubt, you have all read A Mer's rousing description of his own beer-drinking bona fides. Thanks primarily to my general lack of wit and individuality, I deemed it necessary to follow his lead before I begin to provide my comments on the wondrous world of beer:

-My first beer also required me to "tap the Rockies" (that's the mountain range, you see, and not the MLB team). It was in the basement of someone known to history only as the BK Broiler, and I was hammered almost immediately thereafter.
-After that, I gave up beer entirely and switched to Franzia boxed wine, because not only am I cheap, I am also Italian. Once I realized that one could be a beer snob without also being a wine snob, I left the box behind and came back to the bottle--although I must say, a nice goblet of Chianti Classico sets me up forever.
-When I come home after a hard day of lawyering my brains out, I like to kick back with a cheap, domestic lager beer, tainted by two-and-a-half teaspoons of reconcentrated lime juice. Yummy. So I won't review that one for you.
-My (rap) name is P. Soop. I am unemployed, and I live with my parents.

Looking forward to participating in this fantastic forum.

In bocca al lupo,
P. Soop

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