Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Instant Credibility

Good afternoon, it's nice to be here. It has been too long since I blogged, but hopefully the wort flowing from my fingertips to the keyboard haven't gone skunky due to extended hibernation. The purpose of this first post is, as the title implies, to give us some credibility. It's noted that this is an amateur's quest to chronicle all of the beers he has sampled. AMATEUR? Preposterous! Outrageous! That is way too humble and self depreciating. We are beer-drinking blue-bloods, and I have the lineage to prove it:

- My first beer was a Busch Light.
- The first time I was ever inebriated off of a malted beverage, Two Dogs was responsible.
- At one point during my Junior year, the amount of Smirnoff Ices I had drank could "Ten-Run-Rule" the number of beers I had drank.
- At some point in my life, each of the following beers has been my favorite... Tequiza, Ice House, Blue Moon.

Although these are "I statements," several of this blog's co-writing aristocracy were present when these historic achievements occurred. As you can see, our beer drinking history is as storied as Mr. Millcoorweiser himself, and those of you who read this blog will be drunk off of more beer information than can fill a two story funnel.


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