Thursday, August 5, 2010

Red Oval, a Trader Joe's Special

On a recent trip to a Trader Joe's, a small, cheap, mostly organic grocery store chain, I spotted baby-dolphin-killing six-packs of Red Oval for $2.99. I had tried and liked Trader's Joe's other cheap beer line, the aptly named Simpler Times, and I'm a sucker for six-packs, so I gave this plain can a try. Like much of Trader's Joe's products, this beer's name is made up, and you can only buy it at the Trader's Joe's location nearest you. It's actually brewed in Wisconsin by the Minhas Brewery.

It met all expectations for a $.50 beer, slightly beer-y flavored, with a nice, almost sweet finish. I could drink lots of these really easily, especially on a hot summer day. Don't bother pouring it into a glass; who cares about releasing the aromas or seeing the coloration on a beer this cheap. ABV: unknown.

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