Friday, August 6, 2010

Loose Cannon

Loose Cannon is brewed by Heavy Seas Brewing, which is extremely fond of pirate jokes. Naturally, Loose Cannon is described as a, "hop shot across the bow!" It, "won't send you to Davy Jones' locker, but (added yeast in the bottle) will protect your brew from the rigors of life at sea." Hardy har har. At 7% ABV, Loose Cannon is a true American IPA. It has, "Hops, hops, AND MORE hops--over 3 lbs. per barrel, at 3 different times in the process (emphasis original)."

Seriously, though, Heavy Seas products are all over the East Coast and marketed pretty extensively through Whole Foods stores. Loose Cannon is particularly good if you're in the mood for an IPA--it has caramel undertones, is slightly aromatic, and has a nice, not overpowering, hoppy balance. Shiver me timbers, I'll leave the pirate jokes to others.

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